Ethiopia planning dec2014 Organizers

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Africa RISING Ethiopia Review and Planning meeting[edit | edit source]

2-3 December 2014 ILRI Addis Info Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

#Africa RISING Ethiopia Review and Planning meeting-ObjectivesObjectives[edit | edit source]

  • Review project progress and results and share lessons learned.
  • Develop approaches and candidates for scaling with site level partners.

#Africa RISING Ethiopia Review and Planning meeting-AgendaAgenda[edit | edit source]

Tuesday 2 December

  • 8.30 Registration
  • 9.00 Welcome and introduction (objectives, agenda, participants) + icebreaker - (SM and TG)

Process: quick introduction with speed dating and spectrogram ( only for new comers to introduce themselves for the whole group, 10 minute, TG) Welcome (10 minutes, Boni)

  • 9:20 The wider context: Feed the Future (10 minutes, ?)
  • 9.30 Past year highlights. How we have implemented the work plans developed at last year's planning meeting. Plenary presentation (KM / PT)

Presentation (Kindu and Peter, 30 minutes) and Q & A (15 minutes)

  • 10.15 Break
  • 10.30 Review progress with and insights from the research that has been implemented. Bus stops (total = 9, 7 research themes and two cross cutting issues; TG)

there will be three station :Feed and forage + cross cutting issue (20 minutes with Q&A) * Crop residues (Melkamu,) * Irrigation fodder sheep fattening (Abera) * Gender (Annet) * Value chains (Eliude and Dirk) * Seed (Kalpana) High value crops + systems + knowledge management (20 minutes with Q&A) * Multi-purpose trees (Aster) * Cropping system for nutrition (Tilahun) * Tree Lucerne (kindu) * Innovation platforms (Zelalem and Elias) * Enset (Zerihun yemataw) Land and water + field crops selection (20 minutes with Q&A)The grouping will be done 1,2,3..5 numbering or partcipants choose the subject they want to hear? * Soil management (Rolf) * Land scape management (Leuelseged) * Yield gaps (Tilahun) * Participatory varietal selection (Frédéric, Steffen) * Step wise intensification (Abera) The station holder will introduce their station Depending on time ask participants to move to other bus stops (check with Peter tomorrow)? Inform the station keepers during the break

  • 12.00 Emerging research issues. Open Space (TG).

Ask participants, If they have any topic they would like to address, ask them to write the topic on the card, choose station and invite people 40 minutes to work in a group , 5 minutes for reporting Just brief the principle to participants but not the details

  • 13.00 Lunch break
  • 14.00 Reflection of the overall implementation of the project over the last year. SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats; TG)

Group participants 1,2,3..5 numbering Ask them to discuss in groups and write on the card (40 minutes ) Somewhere on the wall we will have matrix of the SWOT and we will ask participants to do clustering of the cards (20 minutes) (Ewen is willing to help) >>

  • 15.00 Reflection on issues arising at sites (accomplishments, challenges, successes, mapping key issues, actors, partners, scaling candidates etc). Group work / report back (by site).

group exercise per site/ site coordinators will lead this (40 minutes) give instruction for reporting back not to take more than 5 minutes/ TG follow timing ask them to prepare a summary for reporting back / maximum two sheet Once they are done the reporting back, ask them to post it on the wall so that others will get a chance to read the details

  • 17.15 Close
  • 17.30 Reception

Wednesday 3 December

  • 8.45 Previous day recap. Presentation (KM / PT / TG)

Ask them to repeat what happened yesterday? What was the striking point of yesterdays discussion ? How do you see yesterday, what is your reflection? What did you learn?

  • 9.00 General reflections on scaling approaches. Talk show (Panel - Tilahun Amede ICRISAT, Steffen Schulz CIP, Selamyihun Kidane ATA, Dirk Hoekstra ILRI, Interviewer - Peter Thorne ILRI).

Everything is set with Peter T

  • 9.45 Identification / formulation of potential scaling approaches. Group work (Groups each focus on one of seven higher level outcomes; productivity, market access and income, nutrition and health, gender inclusivity, environmental sustainability, adoptability; TG). (1 hour)

Who lead the session will be decided with Kindu and Peter tomorrow? Ask participants to join the topic/outcome they choose, Ask any volunteer to star

  • 12:00 Report back on scaling approaches. Plenary presentations (group rapporteurs)

Reporting back shouldn't take more than 5 minutes After one or two reporting ask clarification question /feedback At the end of all presentation ask Q & A / feed back of all the reporting

  • 13.00 Lunch break
  • 14.00 Clustering scaling approaches into more generic strategies for testing (identify key elements for different strategies). Plenary presentation and discussion (TG)

to be discussed on the second day?

  • 15.00 Identify potential components of a scaling plan (identification of candidate technologies for scaling (by theme, as per progress review on day 1; specify time of implementation, need a long list (c. 8) for implementation in early 2015). Group work (TG).

Ask group to document on power point or flip chart/ would be nice if they do it on both Ask them to document the summary

  • 16.30 Report back on proposals for inclusion in scaling plans. Plenary presentations (group rapporteurs)

Ask one group to critique the other one after they listen the reporting

  • 17;00 close