Gender in Africa RISING

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Gender In Africa RISING - Ethiopia[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Female farmers play a central role in African agriculture and family well-being. They account for the majority of the agricultural workforce. However, agricultural research and extension are disproportionately led by and directed to men. Women often own few resources and are unable to make decisions over their use. Lack of awareness, knowledge and skills and unfavorable gender norms are some of the main constraining factors to women’s participation in decision making on agricultural production. There is an urgent need for greater representation of women farmers in agricultural research and extension interventions. Involvement of women in technology design and testing will equipment them with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions, increase productivity and generate more income. This will also enhance their access to and control over productive resources and benefits from their labor.

News[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

Briefs[edit | edit source]

  • IP and gender brief [[1]]
  • Putting Gender at the heart of Africa RISING Research [[2]]
  • Developing capacities for gender responsive agricultural programs in Ethiopia [[3]]

Blogs[edit | edit source]

  • Participatory Epidemiology and Gender Training in Ethiopia to overcome animal diseases [[4]]
  • Africa RISING Ethiopia studies factors enhancing or hindering women farmers’ participation in agricultural research [[5]]

Reports[edit | edit source]

Gender Action Plan for Africa RISING in the Ethiopian Highlands Integrating gender into agricultural programs workshop report

Photos[edit | edit source]


Gender Analysis of IPs[edit | edit source]

Endamahoni Draft analysis of first IP Meeting

Stories[edit | edit source]

Gender champions[edit | edit source]

[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

Contacts[edit | edit source]

  • Annet A. Mulema (Ph.D.) |Social Scientist - Gender

> > International Livestock Research Institute | > > Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia| Tel: +251 11 617 2000File:Resource://skype ff extension-at-jetpack/skype ff extension/data/call skype logo.png+251 11 617 2000 ext. 2229 > > E-mail:[a.mulema[]]