Tamale transforming1

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Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa[edit | edit source]

Project Design Workshop[edit | edit source]

9-12 January 2012, Modern City Lodge, Tamale, Ghana[edit | edit source]

Transforming Systems Working Group

Main assumptions

  • Project will work with both small and large-scale farms but smallholders/poor are main targets for impact
  • Project focuses on linking research to development and provides an opportunity to model how this can be done to bring technology adoption to scale

Linkages Required

  • Policies
  • Markets, input and output
  • Extension
  • Post-Harvest
  • Water Management
  • Credit/Insurance
  • Capacity-Building
  • Transport
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Inputs

A Potential Approach

  • Technology is the entry point: begin with an inventory of on-the-shelf technologies applicable to focus systems
  • Develop an innovation platform that works with a large number of farmers beginning in year 1. Target is 500, focusing especially on women. The platform will train a number of lead farmers who will serve as technology ambassadors in their communities.
  • To bring technology adoption to scale, the core idea is to identify partner private sector companies, NGOs, donor projects, and bring relevant technologies to the farmer groups and communities they are already working with.
  • There will need to be an agreement with donors on how impacts will be attributed among contributing partners if this integrated working approach is adopted.

Beginning List of Partners

  • CSIR, MOFA, Food Research Institute, WRI, ARI, SARI, FORI, CRI (Ghana) and similar agencies in Mali, including IER, Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock
  • NGOs, including CRS and others working in Ghana-Mali zones
  • Universities
  • N2 Africa
  • AGRA
  • Food Industries
  • USAID/Mali, USAID/Ghana and West Africa Regional Mission implementing partners
  • EU and implementing partners
  • CIDA and implementing partners
  • Dfid and implementing partners
  • African Development Bank
  • IFDC
  • 3KA
  • Ghana Net
  • YARA
  • Industry Associations: Ghana Grains Council, Soya Bean Alliance, Seed Growers Associations, Poultry Farmers Associations
  • Savanna MK Company
  • Ghana Farmers Associations
  • WIAD (Women in Agric Development)
  • Tamale Implement Factory
  • Agricultural Inputs Dealers
  • Banks

Policy Actions

1. introduce project to policy makers - national, regional, local 2. review of relevant policy enhancing problematic 3. corrective actions project policy

Market/ - Input Actions

1. what inputs? available needed corrective action 2.partners private sector for inputs assess inventory financing, rural, banks 3. action points request help ensure quality controls monitor partners

Market/ - Output A____ctions

1. inventory existing markets 2. explore/ develop, information systems 3. school feeding 4. inventory credit, warehousing, credits 5. quality assurance 6. value addition to expand markets 7. WFP 8. standards, weights and measures 9. storage 10. aggregators 11. cooperatives

Extension Actions

1. identify extension resources and capacities 2. incorporate extension into research planning 3. target women farmers 4. extension avenues: radio, electronic, print, on farm deomnstartion, farm field schools, workshops, health centers, faith based 5. nutrition extension 6. extension messages

Capacity Building Actions

1. all levels extension agents farmers scientists 2. statistical training 3. reporting systems 4. M&E 5. link capacity building to project needs and opportunities

Transport Actions

1. policy for maintenance 2. partner with existing prioejcts 3. locate where transport is not a limitation

Health and Nutrition Actions 1. establish a baseline 2. develop extension messages 3. partner with MInistry of Health 4. partner with food resaerch institute / universities 5. UNICEF 6. school feedng 7. partner with womens organizations

Intra-project communication Actions

1. communication policy and plan 2. ensure interaction of research and extension stakeholders