Africa RISING training workshop on Innovation Platform , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Workshop Venue: ILRI CAMPUS 23-24 January 2014 Purpose: To provide training and assist in in the application of a Participatory Research and Extension Approach and establishment and maintenance of innovation platforms to Africa RISING researchers and other partners. Participants: A total of around 35 people being the Coordinators (4), Woreda partners – Bureau of Agriculture (4), Research Centres (4), Universities (4), ILRI (5), CIP (5), IMWI (2). Intended workshop outputs

  1. Consensus by partners on the approach (PREA) to be used and the partnerships (IPs) that will be supported
  2. Initial establishment of IPs in two woredas and two kebele
  3. Learning and review from initial activities (potatoes, faba beans, and wheat and small irrigation)
  4. Broad agreement on the way forward for the next seasons

Day 1: Registration 0830, start 0900 Welcome, introductions and purpose of the workshop (Peter Thorne) Summary of achievements and challenges to date in Africa Rising (Peter Thorne) Reinforcement of participatory research and extension principles (Jim Ellis-Jones) Reinforcement of Innovation Platform concepts (Jim Ellis-Jones) Experiences with IPs from the Nile Basin project (Zelalem Lema and Beth Cullen) Lunch Visioning of strategic and operational IPs, their function, governance, membership, chairpersons, secretaries, facilitation, sustainability etc (four work groups and plenary discussion) Day 2: Start 0900 Summary of Day 1 activities Summary of the PCAs (Kindu Mekonnen and Solomon Gebreselassie) Achievements with demonstrations/on farm trials to date (Solomon Gebreselassie, Brita Kowalski, Valentine Ghandi, et al) Sharing experiences Lesson learning (M&E ) mid and end of season including participatory budgeting. Jim Ellis-Jones Mid and end of season evaluations – practice (work groups and plenary) Lunch Next steps at woreda and kebele level meetings (work groups and plenary) Who would we like to participate? Who is likely to participate? What should be the agenda at each meeting? How will the lesson learning be undertaken? Requirements Copies of PCA and individual kebele annexes for all participants, Individual kebele PCA translations, PREA learning cycle, Stages in IP establishment Results from demonstrations/on-farm trials including yields achieved and inputs used, selling prices of produce and costs of inputs. Field visits Purpose: To assist Africa RISING partners to initiate innovation platform (IP) establishment at two of the Africa RISING woredas (woreda level platforms) and at one kebele in each of these two woredas (kebele level platforms; January – February, 2014). Participants: One woreda and one kebele meeting would be held in each of two regions (possibly Amhara and SNNPR) with approximately half the participants from the Addis Workshop participating in each region, approximately 15 in each. Programme i) At woreda level, a one-day meeting with partners (Woreda-Agriculture, University, Research Centre and possibly others), the programme to cover similar agenda points as in 1 above, agree the formation of a strategic level IP and the way forward at kebele level. ii) At kebele level, a two-day meeting with kebele leadership, primarily agriculture together with strategic partners. This is intended to assess activities to date, introduce the PREA concept, provide on-the-job training on participatory budgeting using the results of 1 field demonstration carried out in 2013; based on the outcome of the PCA in 2013, facilitate a community planning process for AR R&D activities in Meher 2014 / Belg 2015, and facilitate the establishment of an operational IP . Dates and venues for field visits

Event Day Date Venue
First woreda meeting Tuesday 28 January Woreda office or other suitable venue
First kebele meeting Wednesday and Thursday 29 and 30 January Kebele office
Second woreda meeting Tuesday 4 February Woreda office or other suitable venue
Second kebele meeting Wednesday and Thursday 5 and 6 February Kebele office

short minutes from the training