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Africa RISING - NAFAKA Project Close-out Meetings
11 - 25 August 2020
various locations

From 11 to 25 August 2020, the Africa RISING- NAFAKA project conducted close-out meetings in districts where the project has been ongoing. The districts include Momba and Mbozi in Songwe region, Wangi’ngombe in Njombe region, Mufindi, Kilolo and Iringa rural in Iringa region, and Kilombero in Morogoro region.
The objective of the meeting was to bring together actors from the Districts to discuss and agree on strategies for the sustainability of the initiatives and technologies after closure.
At the meetings, members discussed achievements challenges, and then the strategies for sustainability. Participants included the DAICOs, DEDs, TAICOs, DCDOs, TARI staff from participating centers of Uyole, Hombolo and Dakawa, IITA staff, NAFAKA staff, and TOSCI. We present a general summary of commitments and actions and then the district level commitments (each district)

Summary of actions and commitments

  • Introduction and promotion of improved and resilient varieties and postharvest management technologies
  1. Action: Market awareness and continued training of the QDS producers.
  2. Action: TARI to continue ensuring the availability of basic seeds (rice, beans, other legumes in the rice-producing areas (peas, chickpeas, green gram).
  3. Action: NAFAKA to continue strengthening the VBAA model such that farmers gain access to quality input from input companies.
  4. Action: QDS producers’ associations should be strengthened further (those formed) and new ones formed to ensure that QDS producers have a voice through which they can access services such as inspection, market lobbying, timely seed access from TARI, and mobilizing financial resources through SACCOs.
  5. Action: Need to monitor local artisans trained by the project to ensure that they provide services to the community.
  • Promotion of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to improve crop productivity, resilience -and protect land, water, and biodiversity
  1. Action: Training manuals, calendars, and a compendium of maps indicating recommendation domains have been developed by the project. These should be made available to different partners for use in their activities
  2. Action: NAFAKA project will continue working with the private sector to set up demos and the districts and TARI should continue supporting training activities for farmers
  • Monitoring technology spread, adoption, and use of disseminated technologies
  1. Action: NAFAKA will continue to support the districts (together with VAEOs ) to identify areas suitable for the new demonstration plots and provide technical assistance to the QDS producers/ district when needed.
  2. Action: TARI/ TOSCI to continue providing technical support on QDS production
  3. Action: The list of all the QDS producers and their contacts details to be submitted to the districts such that they are easily accessible when their services are needed
  • ICT integration for technology dissemination and behavior change communication
  1. Action: The project has developed a platform (Mwanga IT platform) that should continue to be used. TARI Uyole and NAFAKA will liaise with TARI HQ for its scaling up
  2. Action: TOSCI is using other IT tools, some developed in partnership with IITA (such as seed tracker) and these will be of benefit to the QDS producers.
  • Youth and women involvement
  1. Action: Youth and women were deliberately selected by the project to engage in productive activities such as spray teams (only male youth), local artisans for postharvest machinery, VBAAs (led by NAFAKA but jointly implemented), and QDS production. District departments (DAICO, DCDOs), TOSCI, and TARI committed to continue supporting them in their different roles to continue with the respective activities. NAFAKA project teams will follow up.

District level proceedings
Wangi’ngombe District

QDS registrations

The registration to be done from January to February with QDS producers and this activity will be funded by the DED, and QDS producers.

Actors and their role
  • DCDO, registration seed producer association, QDS PRODUCER coordination, visit these seed producers, QDS PRODUCER mobilization, the formation of seed producers’ associations, linkages with sources of funds (internal and external depending on association setting)
  • Seed inspector; to fill in the forms in the online system, submission
  • QDS PRODUCER ASSOCIATIONS/QDS PRODUCER to work with the seed inspector in filling in forms
  • DAICO, to work on the coordination of QDS, internal monitoring, and evaluation, funding – follow up with DED
  • TOSCI, to continue registration of QDS producers, registration approval, provide feedback
  • WAEO/VAEO, to provide technical support
  • VEO, give support to the Seed producers, to introduce the seed producers to the district council and TOSCI
Field inspection
Field inspection to be done at the plant flowering and maturity phase, at farmer’s field with the QDS producers, inspectors, VAEO, WAEO. This activity will be funded by the QDS seed producers and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO To mobilize funds (from QDS PRODUCERs for inspection), link to financial institutions for the source of funds
  • Seed inspector, to conduct field inspection and provide feedback to DAICO
  • QDS producers, to do farm management
  • DAICO; Internal monitoring
  • TOSCI; Inspection and provide feedback and funding
  • WAEO/VAEO; to do field follow up
  • VEO-to host the visitors (inspectors)
Sample collection
This activity will be conducted by TOSCI and the Seed inspector with support from the QDS producers WAEO and VAEOs.This activity will be funded by DED, development partners, and QDS producers. This activity to be done when the moisture content is at the required level (14%) sorted and clean.
Actors and its roles
  • DCDO, mobilize funds (from QDS PRODUCERs for sample collection) and link with financial institutions and other sources of funds
  • SEED INSPECTOR, Seed sampling and submit to TOSCI and follow up for results
  • QDS PRODUCERS, Sorting and cleaning the seeds (no treatment)
  • DAICO, authorize samples, monitoring and quality control
  • TOSCI, Seed sampling and testing for germination and provide results
  • WAEO/VAEO, Provide technical support to QDS PRODUCERs
  • VEO, Host the visitors (inspectors)
Procurement of QDS
Procurements of seed should be When the moisture content is at the required level (14%), sorted and clean. This activity shall take place at the QDS farm respective field and will be funded by the DED, Development partners and QDS producers.
Actors and its roles
  • DCDO, mobilization of QDS producers, funds and to monitor the delivery of seeds
  • Seed inspector, follow up on orders, confirm the lot numbers, deliver the seeds, confirm the quality of the available seeds
  • QDS producers, raise funds, raise order, Procure the seeds, and ensure equity in the distribution of seeds
  • DAICO, authorize orders, confirm delivery of seeds, Monitoring and evaluation
  • TOSCI, confirm lot number in case of doubts, Write transport order
  • WAEO/VAEO, organize orders from QDS PRODUCERs, Ensure equity distribution of seeds
  • VEO, Ensure equity distribution of seeds
Capacity building
It was agreed that this activity to be conducted each year on September to October, with the QDS producers, and funded by DED, QDS producers, DP, and TOSCI.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, to provide training manuals and undertake training
  • Seed Inspector, undertake training
  • QDS producers, to participate in the training and fundraising
  • DAICO, to organize training, provide training manuals, undertake training and Provision of training materials & refreshments during training
  • TOSCI, undertake training, provide manuals, certify QDS producers
  • WAEO/VAEO, to assist in undertaking training, and supervise QDS producers
  • VEO to host visitors (trainers) and prepare the audience for training
Marketing assistance for QDS producers
The team discussed actors, the time frame of the activities including the follow-up on results (LAB testing) from TOSCI after the sample and the strategies for continued awareness and sensitization of farmers on the availability and importance of using Rice QDS seeds.
Follow up on results (lab tests) from TOSCI after the samples are submitted
This activity will be done by Seed inspector in collaboration with TOSCI-Njombe in July. It was agreed on the activity to be funded by the QDS producers, DED, and development partners.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, Authorization, and administration support
  • SEED INSPECTOR, Follow upon samples
  • QDS PRODUCER, Lease with seed inspector/VAEO/WAEO
  • DAICO, Track results/feedback
  • TOSCI, Provide results
  • WAEO/VAEO, Lease with seed inspector and VEO
  • VEO, Receive and declare lab results
Awareness and sensitization of QDS producers on the availability and importance of using QDS
To take place in September and October for each year, at the district, ward , and village meetings, and through medias ( plus village notice boards). The activity to carried with QDS producers, and media and shall be founded by the DED, medias, and development partners.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, to conduct awareness campaigns
  • SEED INSPECTOR, Awareness campaigns upon DAICOs approval
  • QDS PRODUCER, Attend and Participate in the campaigns and mobile contacts for sms campaigns
  • DAICO, Approve and conduct media programs and coordinate awareness campaigns facilitation
  • Share with district (managerial) meetings
  • TOSCI, To identify QDS producers and assure of the seed quality produced by QDS producers
  • WAEO/VAEO, Lease with VEO and Collect mobile contacts information from farmers and share
  • VEO, provide phone numbers and organize village meetings for introducing the producers and Set/include agricultural agendas in the meeting
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA
Kilolo districts - The roles and actors/commitments were the same as for Wang’ingombe district with some changes.
QDS registration
The activity, actors, and funders were the same as Wang’ingombe, for the Kilolo District QDS registration timeline is on January for Lower Kilolo and April for Upper Kilolo.
Procurement of seeds
For Kilolo proposed dates for producing of basic seeds is each year by October from TARI and ASAS, with the QDS producers. This activity will be funded by the QDS producers, DED, Development partners.
Capacity building
The same as Wang’ingombe also awareness and sensitization of QDS producers on the availability and importance of using QDS and marketing assistance for QDS producers, implement funders of Wanging’ombe district. However, the timeline follows up on results (lab tests) from TOSCI after the samples are submitted in April for lower Kilolo and July for upper Kilolo.
Marketing assistance for QDS producers
Roles and actors/commitments were the same as for Wang’ingombe District.
Kilombero Districts
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA - The roles and actors/commitments were the same as for Wang’ingombe District.
Marketing assistance for QDS producers - Roles and actors/commitments were the same as for Wang’ingombe Districts.
Mufindi District
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA - QDs registration, field inspection actives timelines, funders, and responsible were the same as that of Wangi’ngombe expect timelines for Capacity building activity and Procurement of Basic seeds varies. For Mufindi the procurement of basic seeds is October, and Capacity biding to be conducted in October-November.
Actors and their roles
  • For Mufindi roles and actors were the same as for Kilolo District however, there some new actors and roles for question number one; QDS registrations
QDS registration - DCDO; same role as Wanging’ombe with additional input; visiting the QDS associations for capacity assessments.
Capacity building - Actors and roles were the same as for Kilolo District with the addition of one actor; the farmer’s association who will participate in the training and fundraising.
Mbarali District
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA
  • QDS registration
This activity to be implemented by farmers who are trained (through TOSCI) in collaboration with the cluster leader field village extension officer within 30 days after planting. This activity to be funded by the DAICOs, farmers, NGOs, Development partners through DED, and TOSCI.
Representative from the Mbalari district office agreed on activities, actors and sustaining the QDS production and marketing beyond the life of the AR-NAFAKA project.
  • DCDO; mobilize/ organize and provide technical support for QDS producers, for- example support the QDS producer’s association.
  • Seed inspections to facilitate the over the whole process of QDS registration; the registration of QDS and QDS seed producers.
  • QDS seed producers; association, to confirm seed producers, and the QDS fields, and make a follow-up for the registration of the QDS seeds farms
  • DAICO and Crop officer; to coordinate the QDS seed producer’s registration process and authorize the registration forms (signing and administer the forms), and approval; of the registration
  • WAEO/VAEO, to allocate QDS seed producers’ fields that need to be registered
  • TOSCI, physical registration of seed producers
  • Field inspections
This activity to be conducted when seeds are dried of moisture of at least 13/14% and when seeds are cleaned and sorted. This activity will be implemented by the seed inspector, village extension officers with the QDS producers DED, TOSCI and shall be funded by the Seed producers and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • Seed Inspector, Field inspection
  • QDS seed producers’ associations, to cooperate/support the seed inspector
  • WAEO/VAEO, To follow-up and monitor QDS seed field
  • DAICO, To Coordinate the field inspection process
  • TOSCI, Field inspection
  • WAEO/VAEO, Daily monitoring of QDS rice fields prior field inspection is done by TOSCI
  • Crop officer, Coordination of the field inspection process
  • Seed sample collection for lab test
Seed sample collection should be on done when the seeds are dried of moisture of at least 13/14%, and when seeds are cleaned and sorted with the seed inspector, village extension officer with field producers, DED, TOSCI. This activity will be funded by QDS seed producers and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • Seed producers’ associations, Corroborate with Seed inspector; to know seed testing cost also motivate farmers’ support to seed inspection process
  • DAICO, Coordination seg after sample collection is done, then he/she write the introductory/covering letter of TOSCI on sample collection, receive and disseminate feedback to the QDS seed producers
  • Seed inspector, to collect seed sample and inform seed producers when sampling is done
  • WAEO/VAEO/, Crop officer, to facilitate and coordinate the sampling process
  • TOSCI, Lab seed testing, and share lab results to DAICO
  • Procurement of seed
Procurement of seeds to be done in October, and November by QDS producers who will buy the QDS seeds from ASA/TARI-Dakawa. This activity will be funded by Seed producers and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • TARI/ASA, Seed multiplication
  • DCDO, Mobilize QDS seed producer associations
  • Seed inspector, Verify the seed class suitable for seed production, for example, pay attention to Lot number also, coordinate the procurement process
  • TOSCI, to provide QDS lot number
  • WAEO/QDS seed producers, fundraising of resource these resources will use to capacitate QDS seed producers to buy the basic seeds. Collective buying of the seed to minimize cost and provide the procurement records for example receipts.
  • Capacity building
Training to be conducted from July to December at respective clusters. Capacity building programs to be funded by NGOs, Community development officers, DCDOs, and financial institutions. This activity will be funded by the QDS seed producers and development partners.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, Good governance of QDS seed producers’ associations and financial management
  • Seed inspector, training on QDS standard, and so as to update
  • QDS seed producers, fundraising and allocation of resource for capacity building initiates particularly for T.O.T
  • DAICO, Coordination
  • TOSCI, training of new members on seed production and regulation
  • WAEO/VAEO, training
Market assistance to the quality seed producers
This activity to be carried out on mid-October with TOSCI in collaboration with the TOSCI, District field inspector, crop officers, and farmer’s associations. QDS seed producers and DED will fund this activity.
Follow up on results (lab tests) from TOSCI after the samples are submitted
Actors and their roles
  • QDS seed farmers’ associations, to follow-up on results from the DAICO office
  • Seed inspector/Cop officer, to follow-up on the result trough communication or consultation
  • DAICO, Coordination
  • TOSCI, to supply seed test results timely
  • VAEO/WAEO, follow-up for results from DAICO office
Awareness and sensitization of farmers on the availability and importance of using QDS seed
This activity to be carried out on April/May (during the inspection period), with the farmers association, DCDOs, DAICO, and be funded by the DED, farmers association, and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • QDS seed farmer’s associations, to conduct sensitization meetings
  • DCDO, to conduct sensitization meetings
  • DAICO, to coordinate
  • WAEO/VAEO, to participate in farmer internal sensitization meeting
  • Crop officer, to conduct sensitization meeting on the importance of using quality seeds
Mbozi District
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA
QDS registration
  • Proposed activities and actors were the same as for Mbarali with some exceptions for field inspections and sample collection.
Field inspection
  • Actors were the same as that of Mbarali with additional of QDS seed producers’ associations whose role will be to manage of QDS fields and WAEO/VAEO, to follow-up and monitor QDS seed field
Sample collection
  • Seed inspector; Sample collection, write reports, and follow-up on lab results.
  • DAICO; Authorizing sampling process.
  • TOSCI; Lab test, certification and supply of results.
Capacity building
This activity should be implemented by TOSCI, DCDO, QDS, FAs, WAE, VAEO, TARI, DAICO, and NGOs and should take place in the respective LGA. Training on funding and linkage. This activity to be conducted mid-end of the season when needed with DCDOS, DAICO, TAICO, QDS, FAs, TARI, NGOs, and other research institutions. This activity should be funded by QDS producers, NGOs and LGA.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO/TAICO/DAICO; farmers mobilization, provide training on groups formation and management, the principle of production/SLC/MKT strategy.
  • TARI/TOSIC; technical support on QDS production, ICT, and marketing
  • Other research institute, to provide training on seed tracker system and marketing strategy
Procurement of basic seeds
It should be done before cropping season ( by October), QDS seed should be purchased from TARI/ASA with the QDS farmers, and support from DAICO. The funder for this activity should be the QDS producers.
Actors and their roles
  • QDS producers, fundraising, procurement, and delivery
  • DAICO, Authorize and make a follow-up on timely delivery of QDS seeds
  • TARI/ASA, seed multiplication, and provision of Lot number.
Momba District
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA
QDS registration
The time frame, who and funder are same as for Mbarali district
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, to mobilize farmers about the QDS farmer registrations, linking farmers with financial institutions
  • Seed Inspector, supervise seeds distribution, collect and send and follow-up on certifications with TOSCI on the farmers' registration forms
  • Farmers association, Alliance with the QDS Authorized seed inspectors and fill in the QDS registration forms
  • DAICO/TOSCI, to coordinate and funding of the QDS farmers registrations
  • TOSCI, Farmers’ QDS registration approval
  • WAEO, work closer with Seed inspectors, and supervise QDS farmer producers, Assist/ support farmers in the process of QDS farmer registrations e.g. filling forms and ensure farmers registrations form are accessible to farmers
Sample collection
  • Farmers association, sample collection/ Send the sample to TOSCI and follow-up with TOSCI
  • Farmer, procurement of QDS and own fundraising
  • DAICO, Authorization of the sampling process
  • TOSCI, laboratory analysis of sample, certification, and supply of results
Procurement of seeds
Procurement of seed to be done before October from TARI/ASA/DAICO, with QDS farmers. This activity to be funded by the QDS producers.
Actors and their roles
  • TARI/ASA, seed multiplication
  • QS producers, procurement of QDS and own fundraising
  • TOSCI, to provide QDS lot number
Capacity building
Training on QDS production principles, and training on linkage strategies e.g. e. financial and fund-raising strategies, marketing (buyers) to be conducted when needed or when necessary per each farming (planting season) within the specific districts/councils. This activity to implement with TOSCI, DAICO/TAICO/QDS farmer Association, WAEO, VAEO, NGOs in collaboration with the DCDO, QDS farmer association, DAICO, TOSCI, WAEO, VAEO. This activity to be funded by farmers (they will pay for the training), NGOs, the government of Tanzania.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO/DAICO, Mobilization of farmers
Iringa District
Sustainability of the Quality declared seed production and marketing beyond the life of AR-NAFAKA
QDS Registration
Fields registration and submission of the QDS registration form to be done soon after training and not before November and not more than 30 days after planting with the WAEO, District field inspector, TOSCI, crop officer. This activity to be funded by the QDS Seed producers, and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • DCDO, to identify QDS farmers and certify them also link with the QDS inspectors, train farmers, mobilize/organize FO and provision of technical support e.g. Linking QDS producers’ associations with the financial institutions
  • Seed Inspector, to facilitate the process of QDS producer’s registration and QDS field; e.g. Follow-up on certification from TOSCI, Distribution and collection of filled forms
  • Farmers association, to confirm seed producers, and the QDS fields and make a follow-up on the registration of farms
  • DAICO, coordination of the registration process and authorize the registration forms (signing and administer the forms), and to approve the registration process
  • TOSCI, the physical registration of seed producers’ issues of field numbers
  • WAEO& VAEO, allocate the field need to be registered
  • DED, led by DAICO and crop officer are same; the technical and administration of the registration process; funding / apply for the QDS registration
Field inspection

Field inspection for Iringa should be done at flowering and maturity stages in the respective QDS fields. This activity will be implemented by a Seed inspector from the Iringa district and TOSCI. The activity to be funded by QDS seed producers and DED.

Actors and their roles
  • Seed Inspector, to inspect fields, report for inspection, technical backstopping
  • QDS seed producers’ associations, to cooperate/support the seed inspector, management
  • DAICO, budget allocation, initiate the QDS producer’s registration request
  • TOSCI, field inspection, and funding
  • WAEO/VAEO, daily monitoring of field prior field inspection done by TOSCI and host visitors
  • DED, coordination of the field inspection process, funding & monitoring
Sample Collection for lab tests
Sample collection should be done crops are at the maturity stage, harvested, cleaned, sorted, packing and storage. This activity will take place at the respective field. This activity can be funded by Seed producers, DED and PDs.
Actors and their roles
  • Seed producers’ associations, prepare seeds to be ready for sampling, drying, sorting
  • Seed inspector, submission of sample + others
  • DCDO, fund mobilization
  • DAICO, facilitate the process
  • TOSCI, lab seed testing, the supply of lab results to DAICO
  • WAEO, to ensure farmers have clean seeds
  • VAEO, host visitors
  • DED, same as WAEO/VAEO/VEO
Procurement of basic seeds
Procurement of seed should be done on October/November from ASA/TARI-DAKAWA, with the Seed producers, ASA, TARI-Dakawa, and DED. QDS producers to fund this specific activity (e.g. money for purchasing the seeds).
Actors and their roles
  • TARI/ASA, produce and supply basic seeds
  • DCDO, Mobilization of associations and linkage of financial institutions
  • TOSCI, to provide QDS lot number
  • QDS seed producers, fundraising of resource to capacitate them to buy the basic seeds, collective buying of the seed to minimize cost and provide the procurement records (e.g. keep records of receipts).
  • Seed inspector Verification of the seed class suitable for seed production eg. Lot number and to coordinate the process
  • DAICO, Same as crop officer
  • WAEO, collect orders and confirm request received
  • VAEO, Introduction of the QDS producer to financial institutions and NGOs, Follow up on procurement process.
  • DED, Coordination of the procurement process
Capacity building
Train farmers on resource mobilization (fundraising), record keeping, and QDS seed production. Training to be conducted from July to December by NGO, Community, development officers ( DCDO), NGOs Financial institutions, and be funded by the Seed producers, Development partners.
Actors and their roles
  • DCD/DAICO/TAICO, Mobilize QDS seed producers, provide training, principle production/SILC market strategy, and communication
  • TASCO, TARI, Another researcher, Technical support on QDS production (rules and regulation, ICT, marketing)
  • Seed inspector, Training on QDS standard, and so as to update
  • QDS seed associations, Fundraising, and allocation of resource for capacity building initiatives, T.O.T
  • DAICO, Coordination
  • TOSCI, Training of new members on seed production and see regulation
  • WAEO/VAEO, Training
Market assistance to the quality seed producers
Follow-up on results (A lab test) from TOSCI after samples are submitted
To be implemented in mid-October at TOSCI, and should involve District field inspector, Crop officers, Farmers associations and shall be funded by the Seed producers/DED.
Actors and their roles
  • QDS, seed farmers’ associations, follow-up results from DAICO office
  • Seed inspector/Crop officer/DED, follow-up on the result trough communication or consultation with TOSCI office
  • DAICO, Coordination
  • TOSCI, to supply seed test results timely
  • VAEO/WAEO, follow-up for results from DAICO office
Awareness and sensitization of farmers on the availability and importance of using QDS seeds
Awareness creation and sensitization should be conducted from July-December, and media to be used as the platform to communicate about the importance of QDS seeds. This activity should be funded by media associations, DED, Farmers associations, and DED.
Actors and their roles
  • QDS seed farmers’ associations, attending meetings, communicate (listening and providing feedback on the QDS)
  • Seed inspector/Crop officer/DED, to prepare necessity for training and follow-up om results (a lab test) from TOSCI after the sample are submitted
  • TOSCI, organize and facilitate training (follow-up training, update course training)
  • VAEO/WAEO, mobilization of the QDS farmers
  • DCDO, sensitization of the QDS producer

List of participants per district

Momba District

  1. Rehema Muhunzi, DCDO Momba District
  2. George Mpwapwacha, Focal person Momba District
  3. Oscar Uwulongo, DAICO Momba District
  4. James Chotigunga, TAICO Momba District
  5. Peter J. Nasiari, Officer TOSCI
  6. Charles Chuwa, PARO TARI
  7. Joe Tindwa, RC NAFAKA
  8. Silvanus Mruma, Director NAFAKA
  9. Japhet Frednand, FC IITA
  10. Frederick Baijukya, Scientist IITA
  11. Eveline Massam, Communication IITA

Mbozi District

  1. Peter J.Nasari,Officer TOSCI
  2. Joe J. Tindwa, Regional Coordinator NAFAKA
  3. Filbert Mzee, SIS NAFAKA
  4. Frederick Baijukya,Scientist IITA
  5. Japhet Frednand,FC IITA
  6. Silvanus Mruma,Director NAFAKA
  7. Leaonard Sabula,Researcher TARI
  8. Umpale Mundekosye,Ag. DCDO Mbozi DC
  9. Lydia G. Shonyela,D. Crop officer Mbozi
  10. Richard S.M Sarili, DAICO Mbozi
  11. Eveline Massam, Comm.IITA

Mbarali District

  1. Peter J. Nasiari,Officer,TOSCI
  2. Zabron Abel,Community Development officer, Mbarali DC
  3. Yobu Mlomo,Agr. DAICO,Mbarali DC
  4. Jamson Mwalllama,Agr. Officer,Mbararli DC
  5. Datius D, Kaigwa,DCO,Mbarali DC
  6. Charlse Chuwa,PARO,TARI
  7. Joe Tindwa,RC, NAFAKA
  8. Silvanus Mruma, Director,NAFAKA
  9. Japhet Frednand,FC,IITA
  10. Frederick Baijukya,Scientist,IITA
  11. Eveline Massam, Communication ,IITA

Iringa District

  1. Urban Kalimba, Agro officer, Iringa Districts
  2. Alexander Chogoma, Agro.Officer, Iringa Districts
  3. Elirheema Swai, PARO, TARI Hombolo
  4. Lucy V. Nyaku, Agri.officer, Iringa Districts
  5. Fortunus Flavian, RC, NAFAKA
  6. Elizabeth Wakolela , Agri. Officer, NAFAKA
  7. Leonard Sabula , Researcher, TARI
  8. Lusungu Kitambule, DCDO, Iringa rural
  9. Christopher Mutungi, Scientist, IITA
  10. Eveline Massam, Communication, IITA
  11. Silvanus Mruma, Director, NAFAKA
  12. Japhet Frednand , FC, IITA
  13. Filbert Mzee, SIS, NAFAKA
  14. Charlse Chuwa, PARO, TARI

Wanging’ombe District

  1. Richard Msingwa -PAFO , Wang’ingombe District
  2. Yusta A. Mwambembe-DCDO , Wang’ingombe District
  3. Bernarndadeta C. Fivawo-DAICO , Wang’ingombe District
  4. Julius S. Bwire-Agri Officer-TOSCI , TOSCI
  5. Ledack Ngimbudzi-DCO , NAFAKA
  6. Silvanus Mruma Director , NAFAKA
  7. Leonard Sabula- Researcher , TARI-Uyole
  8. Filbert Mzee -SIS , NAFAKA
  9. Fortnunatus Flavina-RC.ISS , NAFAKA
  10. Japhet Masing-Field coordinator , IITA
  11. Christopher Mutungi-Scientist , IITA
  12. Elirehema Swai-PARO , TARI
  13. Ledack Ngimbudzi-DCO , NAFAKA
  14. Eveline Massam-Communication , IITA

Kilombero District

  1. Gift Mwashamba , Ext, officer , NAFAKA
  2. Furaha M. Maleko , Ag.TCDO , Ifakara,TC
  3. Charlse K. Bulayi , Ag.TAICO , Ifakara, TC
  4. Cyprian E. Haule , Ag. Focal person , Mlimba, DC
  5. Chiza C. Marando , DAICO , Mlimba, DC
  6. Stephano B. , DED , Mlimba, DC
  7. Silvanus Mruma , Director , NAFAKA
  8. Japhet Msigo , FC , IITA
  9. Charles Chuwa , PARO , TARI
  10. Ezekiel Mtoka , Ext. Officer manager , NAFAKA

Kilolo District

  1. Watson Madamwa , Agr. DAICO , Kilolo DC
  2. Scholastica George , DCDO , Kilolo DC
  3. Ezekiel Mtoka , Extension , Kilolo DC
  4. Elirehema Swai , PARO , TARI
  5. Samwel Sengela , Seed Inspector , Kilolo DC
  6. Fortnunas Flavian , RC: ISS , NAFAKA
  7. Kain Vahaya , DOU , Kilolo DC
  8. Leonard Sabula , PARO , TARI
  9. Shehemba Luziwa , DED , Kilolo DC
  10. Silvanus Mruma , Director , NAFAKA
  11. Eveline Massam , Comm. , IITA
  12. Japhet Masigo , FC , IITA