PCT Actions

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PCT follow up action points[edit | edit source]

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Appeared in: Action point Who does it By when? Status Comments
PCT 29 Review list of action points from previous meetings. Members to be briefed on this at the next meeting. SM & JO
PCT 29 Discuss finer details about the program-wide learning event 2018 -
location, topics/themes, draft agenda etc. PCT to be briefed on progress periodically.
PCT 29 Circulate the latest version of the draft ToR for the positions of M&E/ data management specialists to other PCT members for comment. CA
PCT 29 Review Phase 1 summary document for the final time and send feedback to JO by CoB 17 April. PCT members
PCT 29 Circulate Phase 1 summary document to PCT members by Friday 13 April for final review. JO
PCT 28 Data Management Task Force (Peter, Irmgard and Carlo) to oversee changes to M&E and ensure that data is available and accessible on time. PT/CA/IHZ NO ACTION TAKEN YET
PCT 28 Revise M&E budget to reflect changes.Send to Jerry Glover ASAP. PT/CA/IHZ ASAP DONE FOR ESA AND WA THERE ARE OBJECTIONS BY CA
PCT 28 Revise Program Comms budget to reflect changes.Send to Jerry Glover ASAP. IHZ/SM ASAP DONE
PCT 27 Share the SIMLESA extension document in confidence with PCT members PT ASAP
PCT 27 Peter, Carlo and Irmgard can come up with a more concrete proposal on this in Arusha and involve Ewen from a process design perspective CA / IHZ / PT / ELB Mid March NO ACTION TAKEN YET
PCT 27 Carlo, Irmgard and Peter to move forward with a more concrete proposal for this position (ToR, dates of recruitment, posting location etc.) and to involve Ewen for a communication perspective CA / IHZ / PT / ELB Mid March DONE
PCT 27 PCT members and chief scientists to provide final feedback on the document by 22 February PCT members and chief scientists 22 February DONE
PCT 27 Comms team to share final version from GreenInk for feedback with PCT members and chief scientists, by 19 February JO / ELB 19 February DONE
PCT 27 JG to provide foreword for the Phase I summary document asap JG ASAP DONE
PCT 26 PT, IHZ, ELB, CA to discuss this further and report back to PCT about this PCT / IHZ / ELB / CA December-January DONE
PCT 26 IHZ and PT to discuss this job description in January and update PCT on this IHZ / PT January DONE
PCT 26 SM to raise an email about this and ELB to follow up with the comms team on the type of publication that the Phase I summary doc will be SM ASAP DONE
PCT 23 Remind all chief scientists and copied to PCT that all events are posted on the wiki events list with expected outputs (relevant minutes) BvL ASAP DONE
PCT 23 Circulate publication guidelines to make them relevant for Africa RISING - all PCT members to review and guidelines to be published in September BvL / PCT September ?
PCT 23 Set up Doodle in the first 3 weeks of February for a meeting in Ghana (Accra) and send it to PCT/SAG members and CoP champions ELB ASAP DONE
PCT 23 Check with Vara Prasad on what the feedback mechanism is to collect information on other innovation labs implementing this framework PT 23 June ?
PCT 23 Work together on the summary document, hire a consultant to write and ensure a first draft is available by September JO/ELB September In progress
PCT 23 IHZ to engage with the landscape management CoP and BvL to engage with the virtual farming CoP IHZ/BvL ASAP Postponed/ Abandoned?
PCT 23 Approach Jeroen and Lulseged to become formally supported CoP champions IHZ ASAP DONE
PCT 23 All PCT members to be more active on the CoPs All PCT members ASAP Postponed/ Abandoned?
PCT 23 CoP champions to provide an update on functioning of CoPs at PCT24 CoP champions PCT24 Postponed / abandoned?
PCT 23 Organise a meeting with Gebrehiwot/Beliyou/Carlo and ESA/WA folks to advance this conversation in late July / early August on what an Africa RISING technology is and how AR adds value to that conversation PT/KM Late July/early August ??
PCT 23 Identify how technologies connect to SI domains by end of July - based on template provided by Mateete A. Larbi / K. Mekonnen ASAP ??
PCT 23 Develop a concept paper on the definition of an 'Africa RISING technology' PCT and chief scientists to be specified ?? This might need to be explored further at next PCT meeting
PCT 23 Draft email to inform all scientists about co-authorship guidelines BvL? ASAP ??
PCT 22b share draft training manual for the SI assessment framework with PCT meeting JG ASAP ??
PCT 22b get back to research teams to understand which indicators they have chosen and why IHZ and PT ASAP ??
PCT 22b discuss the next 3-6 months implementation of this SI assessment framework PCT team PCT23 DONE
PCT 22b chase all CoP champions for their preparations for the PCT-SAG meeting ELB DONE Should touch upon: What's happened so far, who's involved and what are they planning over the next months, what their budget looks like
PCT 22b chase Haroon about developing the positioning paper for the PCT-SAG meeting IHZ DONE draft available (9/4/18)
PCT 22b share final list of participants for the SAG/PCT meeting ELB DONE
PCT 22 chase CoP champions for their participation to SAG/PCT meeting ELB DONE
PCT 22 work with PT, IHZ, CA on design of SAG/PCT meeting ELB / CA / IHZ / PT 13 April DONE
PCT 22 challenge chief scientists on issue of linking exchange visits with CoPs, annual event etc. IHZ / PT 8 May DONE
PCT 22 share details about the Nairobi event on reach/uptake etc. BVL ASAP DONE
PCT 22 discuss issue of sharing identifier data with Sieg Snapp - based on background from IHZ and CA JG__, __IHZ__, __CA ASAP In progress CA asking for comments on data. This is seemingly not an MSU issue. Data sharing not clarified yet. JG to also follow up on this (on the phone).
PCT 22 discuss issue of manuscript management/oversight with chief scientists to come up with suggestions for how to tackle this issue on manuscripts IHZ / PT DONE Report from the 'summit' expected
PCT 22 discuss issue of comms position recruitment with Peter B ELB ASAP DONE
PCT 22 discuss issue of phase 1 summary document with Peter B SM ASAP DONE