Program framework
Overall research approach
In Ethiopia and Tanzania, there was emerging interest in having the 3 regional projects adopt and follow a coherent research approach.
The Task Force met in Ibadan 16-18 July 2012 to finalise the framework - see workshop details
View latest version of the framework here: [[1]]
View relevant related group work on 'boundaries' from Tanzania and Ethiopia
The Tanzania inception workshop resulted in the following:[edit | edit source]
WHAT: Research Focus approaches:
'demand-side' research targeted to household decision making on sustainable intensification; oriented towards people who can benefit from SI up a scale from field experimentation 'participatory action research' emphasis on understanding and supporting 'decision making' across intensification gradients
HOW: Agreements:
we aim for a consistent integrated research framework/approach across all the 3 projects; but this needs to be finally confirmed with other project regions
SMALL core task force to be formed - linked to CRPs 1.1 and 1.2; to consult widely with others.This task force is associated to the overall 'program coordination team'
close link to M&E work necessary
'jumpstarts' should, as far as possible, be completely consistent with this approach [so we need to communicate it well, also interim agreements]
expect to build on the various 'inventories' of technologies, actors, etc.