Program milestones
AFRICA RISING[edit | edit source]
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MILESTONES and ACTIONS[edit | edit source]
29 Feb - rename current wiki and blog to be 'africa-rising' and update content [ILRI-peter] 29 Feb - finalise all the overall program targets, purpose, outcomes, etc CONFIRMED: confirm 6-monthly reporting cycle with USAID ?? contracts with USAID ?? confirm membership of the program coordination team (PCT) ?? each project to confirm membership of its own steering committees ?? 2012 workplans due 20 Feb- Send out call for 'early win' proposals 12 Mar - Receive 'early wins' concept notes 23 Mar - decision on 'early wins' 31 Mar - first six-month report due to usaid 01 Apr - program-wide approach to communications due [ILRI-peter] ?? - site selection criteria agreed ?? - sites selected ?? - Appoint members of the Program Research Approach/Framework task force 31 May - PCT decides date and location for program-wide coordination and learning event 30 Jun - Finalise the Program Research Approach/Framework, with protocols 30 Sep - Finalise 'early win' activities 30 Sep - second six-month report due to usaid