Program strategy workshop Gender
(This session was led by Annet Mulema and Gundula Fischer).
Hereby the output: an outline for the phase 2 proposal
Gender cuts across all research outputs of Africa RISING.
Situation analysis A gender analysis of target communities ensures that differences between male and female farmers are recognized and considered in the research process. Africa RISING conducted several participatory community analysis, broad household and community surveys (IFPRI) as well as other studies. Gaps in gender data remain and will be addressed in 2015/2016 through Women Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) surveys in Malawi, Ethiopia and Tanzania and a qualitative gender analysis in Ghana. In phase two the focus will be broadened to capture a variety of social differences that might impact negatively on the success of the project. There will be continuous assessment especially within communities prone to conflict (gender, ethnicity, religion etc.).
Integrated systems improvement The long-term adoption of innovations depends among others on their gender-responsiveness. In the field of mechanisation, animal health, multi-purpose trees and fodder, Africa RISING scientists have assessed how the technologies interact with gender relations on the household level. To assist this kind of assessment the gender team develops or modifies existing tools. In phase two the gender team will work more closely with the biophysicists to integrate gender in all research protocols and to support the evaluation of available data. The information generated from this analysis will inform design, adaptation or modification of interventions that enhance the ability of women and youth to participate in decision making, strengthen women’s access to and control over productive resources, and save their labour and energy expenditure.
Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluation support internal learning processes and ensure that progress is made against set gender indicators. In the first phase qualitative follow-up studies in Tanzania as well as most significant change stories in Ethiopia revealed farmers’ gendered perceptions of change in the context of interventions. However, gender-responsive M&E needs to be strengthened through a clear framework with quantitative and qualitative indicators that are included in the work plans. More emphasis will be placed on the collection of gender/sex-disaggregated data as well as their analysis and reporting. To ensure a fair representation of women and youth, quotas for participation will be defined. Women’s empowerment level and gender parity will be systematically monitored.
Scaling The question of how men and women can be reached by extension messages has been explored for several Africa RISING sites. The results of these studies will be used to employ appropriate communication channels for women and other marginalized groups, such as, videos, cell phone voice and text messages, women’s groups, radio, and information centres. However, obstacles to adoption are not limited to information sharing but include norms that constrain women’s access to resources and benefits. Therefore, different gender transformative approaches will be applied and investigated. Partners with the mandate to deliver on gender will be identified and engaged with at different levels. Partners’ capacity in integrated systems approach will be enhanced to maximize impact.
Gender capacity The gender capacity of Africa RISING and its partners is a key success factor for mainstreaming gender throughout the project. In 2014/2015 the gender teams conducted an individual and organizational capacity assessment with the aim of developing a gender capacity development plan, establishing a baseline against which trainings efforts can be measured and providing the management with data for strategic decisions. In phase two there will be strategic gender trainings as well as gender trainings integrated with other disciplines. The target group for gender capacity development includes researchers and other partners such as extension workers, development agencies, and farmers. Africa RISING envisages more holistic training packages for farmers that combine technical issues with gender sensitization, entrepreneurship and nutrition.