Early wins

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'Early Win' or 'Quick Win' Proposals (2012)[edit | edit source]

Check under ' Events' for links to meetings held as part of these projects

Reports from these projects (Ethiopia)

Reports from these projects (East and Southern Africa)

News items about these projects

Template for 2012 early win reporting: File:early_wins_reporting_template.docx

Indicators for 2012 reporting: File:FtF2012_Indicators_shortlist.xlsx


In 2012, to produce some short-term outputs and to provide outputs that support the longer term objectives of the projects, Africa RISING decided to fund several 'quick win' projects.

See the call for proposals and criteria for their funding

Approved projects:

East and Southern Africa

  • Value chain analysis of grain legumes in eastern and southern Africa: Building partnership for impact through research on sustainable intensification of farming systems [proposal] [more information]
  • Improved postharvest technologies for promoting food storage, processing and household nutrition in Tanzania [proposal] [more information]
  • Evidence-based scaling-up of evergreen agriculture for increasing crop productivity, fodder supply and resilience of maize-mixed and agropastoral farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi [proposal] [more information]
  • A catalogue of tested crop, soil, and water management options under varied land degradation conditions and socio-economic environment in the target areas in Tanzania, Malawi, and Zambia [proposal] [more information]
  • Mycotoxin contamination in Tanzania: quantifying the problem in maize and cassava in households and markets [proposal] [more information] [[[workspace]]]
  • Identifying efficient seed system (s) practices/models to accelerate the access to quality seed of improved varieties legumes, maize and forages to small scale farmers particularly poor and women farmers in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia [proposal] [more information]
  • Multiplication of breeder and basic seed for maize and legumes in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia [proposal] [more information]
  • Sustainable intensification and diversification of maize-based farming systems in Malawi [proposal] [more information]
  • Building local capacities in weed management for rice-based systems [proposal] [more information]
  • Enhancing vegetable value chains in rice-based and sole crop production systems to improve farm household income and consumer access to safer vegetables in Morogoro, Tanzania [proposal] [more information]

Ethiopia Highlands

  • Targeting research design for technology integration at farm scale [[[R4D_Aug12| workspace]]] [proposal] [more information]
  • Improving the evidence for targeting agricultural water management interventions in Ethiopia: A proof of concept [[[Quick Water| workspace]]] [proposal [more information]
  • Sustainable tree-crop-livestock intensification as a pillar for the Ethiopian climate resilient green economy initiative [proposal][more information]
  • Fodder and feed as a key opportunity for driving sustainable intensification of crop livestock systems in Ethiopia [[[quickfeeds/home| workspace]]] [proposal] [more information]
  • Improving productivity and rural livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the Bale highlands of Ethiopia by integrating pulses in crop-livestock production systems [proposal] [more information]