Program earlywins

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Call for small projects to support development of Africa RISING[edit | edit source]

See information on the approved projects

Africa RISING comprises three linked research-for-development projects, funded by USAID Feed the Future Initiative aimed at sustainably intensifying mixed farming systems in West Africa (Southern Mali and Northern Ghana), the Ethiopian Highlands and East and Southern Africa (Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi). The detailed research planning for these programmes is currently on-going (see

The primary scale of focus of the projects is the farm/household scale, although for some research it will be appropriate to consider larger scales such as watersheds or common property resources and smaller scales such as intra-household members.

In order to produce some short-term outputs and to provide outputs that support the longer term objectives of the projects, Africa RISING will fund small, short-term projects, concurrent with the in-depth research programme planning in The Ethiopian Highlands, and East and Southern Africa. The projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Integrate multiple and mutually supportive farming system components OR build new partnerships that will facilitate the longer-term Africa RISING research programme.
  • Address the priorities of the USAID missions in the countries as expressed in their strategies posted on the wiki page (contact [J. Glover] for additional information if needed).
  • Involve substantive collaboration between at least three organizations of which one has to be a CGIAR Center. Others can include international and national research organizations and development organizations including NGOs, extension agencies, and private sector companies. Preference will be given to projects that include national organizations.
  • The projects will complete reportable results that further the objectives of Feed the Future by September 30, 2012.

Proposals, involving at least three collaborating organizations should be submitted by a CGIAR Center or AVRDC to the respective regional Africa RISING project coordinator [1] by March 12, 2012.

Projects for the two regions will be selected by March 20 by a panel including the project coordinator, and representatives of USAID. Three page proposals should explain:

  • The objectives, outputs and activities
  • How the proposed project meets the criteria above.
  • Specific locations, intermediate and ultimate beneficiaries (including numbers of people who will benefit).
  • Timeline.
  • The lead partner (who will be responsible for deliverables, reporting, and financial management) and the role of each partner.
  • Illustrative list of personnel,
  • Budget (full costs), broken down by personnel, operational costs and overheads. Indicate any co-financing. Project budget should be in the range fromUS$100,000 to US$ 200,000.

[1] East and Southern Africa: Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon, [] Ethiopian Highlands: Iain Wright, []

The Ghana workshop first discussed the concept of 'quick wins' - activities that could be accomplished and show results before the end of September 2012. For specific sites in Ghana and Mali, potential 'wins' were identified. In Ethiopia, the notion evolved to be 'early wins' and several site and non-site specific opportunities were identified. The process was repeated in Tanzania - where these were referred to as 'jumpstart' activities.