Tamale agenda

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Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa[edit | edit source]

Project Design Workshop[edit | edit source]

9-12 January 2012, Modern City Lodge, Tamale, Ghana[edit | edit source]


Monday, 09.01.2012 09:00 Registration of participants 10:00 Workshop introduction, process, and objectives 10:15 Welcome of participants (R. Asiedu, IITA; A.I. Kollo, CORAF; J. Howard, USAID) 10:30 U.S. Feed the Future Initiative’s Research Strategy (R. Bertram, USAID) File:tamale_FtF_bertram.ppt 11:00 The Dublin Process: International Research Efforts and the CAADP Agenda (T. Arnold, CGIAR Consortium Board; Jeff Hill, USAID, Dublin Process Steering Committee) File:tamaleCAADP_jeffhill.ppt 11:30 CGIAR Integrated Systems Approach to SI Research (R. Asiedu, IITA) File:tamaleCRPs_asiedu.ppt 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Participant Introductions 14:15 Presentation of draft concept note (J. Glover, USAID, moderator)

15:30 Break 16:00 Farming systems mapping, data management, and monitoring & evaluation strategies (S. Wood, IFPRI) File:tamale_me_wood.ppt 16:30 Comments and reactions on the concept note 17:30 Summary, Conclusions & Preparation for Tuesday (R. Bertram, USAID) 18:00 Meeting logistics and closing (I. Hoeschle-Zeledon, IITA)

Tuesday, 10.01.201 08:30 Day 1 reflection (Irmgard) 08:45 Project Design – What IMPACTS do we want this project to achieve? 10:00 Groups

11:30 Group progress reports 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Groups 15:00 Break 15:30 Group reports 17:00 Reactions from the writing team 17:30 Next steps, and closing Irmgard/Robert/Julie

Wednesday, 11.01.201 08:30 What we want to achieve today and tomorrow

  • Clear and agreed project goals, objectives, plan

08:45 Project Design – Project PURPOSE, OBJECTIVES and top-level OUTCOMES 09:15 Mapping Activities and Sites (Stan)

  • Re-characterizing the systems and sub-systems; intensification gradients

10:00 Break 10:30 Three Parallel Groups

  • Sub-system typologies/ intensification gradients

11:30 Group check in 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Groups: Logframe development [by outcome] 17:00 Group check in / report back 18:00 Close

Thursday, 12.01.2012 08:00 Logframe group work File:tamale_outcome1_logframe.doc File:tamale_outcome 2_logframe.doc File:tamale_outcome3_logframe_objective1.doc File:tamale_outcome3_logframe_objective2.doc File:tamale_outcome4_logframe.docx File:tamale_outcome3_logframe_background.xlsx

10:15 Break 10:30 Parallel groups

11:30 Group report back 12:00 Lunch 14:00 Groups: Workplanning

15:30 Break 16:00 Groups report back 17:00 M&E planning (Stan) File:tamale_me_plan.ppt 17:30 After action review 18:00 Close